Friday, July 06, 2007

Impromptu Langkawi.

Well, Langkawi was fun.

Chilled and lazed around most of the time. Soaked ourselves in the water for many many hours.

Highlight of the trip, waterfall.

Rented a van, drove around, and visited crappy tourist attractions.

Switched hotels, and crammed 5 guys, 4 girls in a room.

Terry sulking.

As gay as it can get.

Fabian is a poser.

During dinner.


Terry says, you jump. I jump.

Group pic at the waterfall. We climbed up the rocks so hard, and the lil kid just hops to and fro in front of us. Swt.

Christina loves being handcuffed to the bed.Look at her face...hehe.

We went all the way to see Mahsuri's tomb.

Beras terbakar should be deleted away as a tourist attraction. Wth wei. We came all the way to see less than a sauce plate of burnt rice???

Our sad breakfast, while fabian and chris had Kenny Rogers.

At the beach.Where you can't see anything under the water. To quote hp: This is the greatest shit I've seen in my entire life. (said when swimming in the sea)

What we did most of the time...Chilled out and lepaked only.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is chris cuffed to the bed?!! What kind of kinky stuff were you guys up to? lolz =P

Anyway, looked like fun. Now I feel jealous that I missed out... Any chance of another class trip before term starts again?

P.S.: Why does everyone look half dead in the photos? Too much 'chinese tea'*wink* *wink* or not enough?

12:37 PM  

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